Flexibility. Portability. Scalability
At Solar Sense, we can customize your solar power installation to suit needs and budget. This is because solar installations are completely scalable. It means that the installation can start at a low kilowatt level and then later upgraded to even megawatts level, as budget allows.
This is especially useful in installations where a virtual ‘plug-and-play’ application is required. This is particularly useful in off-grid applications as may be found in radar installations, GSM transmission and booster sites, field hospitals, to mention a few.

Solar Power for Home Applications
The power situation in Nigeria, is no longer news. Aside from the pressing global need to go green in power generation, even the conventional fossil fuel power generation systems are not adequate for the need of the nation. All over the world, the clarion call is to reduce the carbon footprint and therefore the global warming effect on the ecosystem. Homes have to go solar, much sooner than later.
Solar Sense provides solutions for roof-mounted stand-alone system or a hybrid system that will incorporate commercial power and even a backup battery or generator system, as the need and budget will allow.

Specifying, Designs and AutoCAD Drawings
Of vital importance to a successful value-added Power System project is the ability to engineer the project to meet the customer’s specific needs. Key to a successful solar power installation, is the attention paid to the amount of sunlight that actually incidents on that particular location of the installation.
We carry out pre-engineering survey using appropriate technology like Sun and Weather Sensor and Hawk 5000 Load Profile Analyzer, shown in figure 3 and 4 below, to match requirement with site capabilities. These inputs are used to optimize performance.
Project Supervision and Management
Even a well-designed project can turn into a nightmare, if not well managed. Material and men have to be at the right place at the right time.
We are experienced in man, materials and expenses management, involving large projects. We were privileged to act in that capacity during the planning stages of the site power for Geregu Power Station, built by Siemens, for the Federal Government.

Power Systems Installation and Commissioning
We have vast experience in the installation and commissioning of generators, transformers, switchgear, motors, power factor correctors and other sundry electrical equipment. We bring this wealth of experience to bear in solar systems installation as well.
Solar Array installation is not as complicated as that of an industrial-sized generator, for instance. Of course, the same attention to details is paid to the engineering of the components. Land based arrays are prone to weather and the elements attack, generally. Attention is paid to the frames to withstand at least 140km/hr wind speed
Site Security
Of great importance, is the security of plant and equipment, in a solar power installation. We pay attention to this, in view of the high initial capital outlay, of a Solar PV Installation. Because commercial sized solar installations are often remotely sited and are hardly manned, technology is essential to safeguard the investment.
The first line of defense is a chain-link wire fence.
The second line of defense are infrared motion sensors and cameras. Solar Power Stations Control Architecture

Solar Power Stations Control Architecture
The convenience of a Solar Power installation, is that it is virtually unmanned. Because there are no reciprocating or moving parts, maintenance is minimal - and so, the site does not require constant manning. Power generation, security, etc, can be monitored and controlled remotely. The control desk can be thousands of kilometers away from the site. This is achieved via satellite.
Solar Sense can put together any control architecture that will suit any client’s needs.
We can offer structured training to suit the individual needs of our customers. Such Power Systems training could be classroom based or on-the-job or both.
Solar Sense, through her sister Company NVL Power Systems, has contributed to the technical depth of some of our clients, through training or writing of training manuals for their Engineering workforce. It is on record that NVL Power Systems, prepared the Maintenance Manual for Cell Sites Power Control Systems for one of the leading Telecoms Company, in the country.